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1 Best Books on Business Sustainability

Discover the best books on business sustainability, providing valuable insights and strategies for creating a greener, more responsible future.



by Minal Bopaiah

4.9 (76 reviews)

What is Equity about?

"Equity: How to Design Organizations Where Everyone Thrives" by Minal Bopaiah is a thought-provoking guide that delves into the concept of creating inclusive and equitable workplaces. With a focus on practical strategies and real-life examples, the book explores the importance of diversity, inclusion, and belonging in organizations. Bopaiah offers valuable insights and actionable steps to help leaders and individuals foster a culture of equity, ensuring that everyone can thrive and contribute their best.

Who should read Equity

  • Business leaders seeking to create inclusive and equitable workplaces.

  • Human resources professionals looking to implement diversity and inclusion strategies.

  • Individuals interested in understanding the importance of equity in organizations.