"I’m not saying that you must be a reader to save your soul in the modern world. I’m saying it helps." – Walter Mosley (Ryan Holiday’s favorite quote)
Ryan Holiday is a writer, founder of a creative agency, and the author of several bestsellers that have been translated into 30 languages. He is also a Stoic philosopher who explores the relevance of ancient philosophy in modern times. Contrary to the traditional image of a philosopher, Ryan dropped out of university at 19. By age 21, he was the marketing director at American Apparel. He later established the creative agency Brass Check, which has consulted for Google and numerous authors, including Tony Robbins. At 37 years old, Ryan has already built an impressive collection of bestselling books.
"Can you recommend any books?"
Ryan received this question so frequently that he addressed it in a reading list email. The main goal is to recommend books that will at least stay in your head for a long time and, perhaps, even change your outlook on life. Ryan reads about 250 books a year and admits he does not have speed reading skills. For those who want to read more, he recommends doing three things: delete all games from your phone, do not be shy about spending money on books, and do not forget your goals.
His bookstore, The Painted Porch, is on historic Main Street in Bastrop, Texas. The most unique aspect of his cozy bookstore is that he sells only books he has personally read and recommended. According to Holiday, these books have the power to change lives. Many of these texts are ancient and not widely popular today, but they are well-tested and packed with wisdom.
Books by Ryan Holiday
Holliday's first book, 'Trust Me, I'm Lying,' was published in July 2012 and made the Wall Street Journal bestseller list. It consists of two parts and discusses the phenomenon of blogs, their role in journalism, and how bloggers can manipulate public opinion and set specific trends in the media. Similarly, 'Growth Hacker Marketing' discusses the innovative marketing strategy of growth hacking.
Over time, the philosophy of Stoicism fascinated Holiday, and he wrote subsequent books inspired by its ideas. 'The Obstacle Is the Way' teaches that obstacles can be advantages. His other philosophical books also examine various aspects of life according to Stoicism, including:
'Ego Is The Enemy' (2016)
'The Daily Stoic' (2017)
'Stillness is the Key' (2019)
'Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave' (2021)
'Discipline Is Destiny: The Power of Self-Control' (2022)
'The Daily Dad' (2023)
'Right Thing, Right Now: Good Values. Good Character. Good Deeds' (2024)
20 book recommendations from Ryan Holiday
1. 'Meditations' by Marcus Aurelius
'Meditations' is a collection of philosophical meditations by the great Stoic and Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, which help you realize your purpose in life. These notes, created by Aurelius primarily for himself, have created one of the best books for self-development.
2. 'The 48 Laws of Power' by Robert Greene
'The 48 Laws of Power' will teach you how to build communication with people to achieve what you want successfully. The author is a famous American coach and author of bestsellers about the mechanisms of power and human relationships, Robert Green. This book will show you how to master your emotions, be alert, play power games, and know where to direct your energy in a power struggle.
3. 'Deep Work' by Cal Newport
In today's world, the real reward is not for those who can skillfully use social networks. After all, it is easy to learn. Yet, those who can think deeply and create unique ideas become special. In his book 'Deep Work" Cal Newport argues that immersing yourself in the task and ensuring focus is essential. He also emphasizes removing social networks and other noise because their influence disappears if you fill your leisure time with quality activities.
4. 'The War of Art' by Steven Pressfield
The book 'The War of Art' highlights the resistance artists, entrepreneurs, athletes, and others face in overcoming creative barriers. Think of your work as a creation you must share with the world. This book will help you understand what resistance is, where it hides, how to overcome it, and finally realize all those desires and plans that may have accumulated for years or even decades and have not found a way out.
5. 'The Power of Habit' by Charles Duhigg
Charles Duhigg in 'The Power of Habit' reveals the power and potential of human habit, penetrating the essence of its emergence, development, and consolidation and giving you the key to success - a strategy for rebuilding a habit. Using the technique of observation and tracking the roots of desires, you can independently reprogram any habit from negative to positive.
6. 'Man's Search for Meaning' by Viktor E. Frankl
Viktor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning, is an essay by a psychiatrist who miraculously survived a concentration camp during World War II. Living in inhuman conditions for body and spirit, the author invented logotherapy, a psychological concept that helps find life's meaning. This short essay focuses on the most profound problems of human existence and consciousness.
7. 'Range' by David Epstein
Narrow specialization is now the exception rather than the rule, so to become successful, you need to know several different areas instead of delving into one. David Epstein studied the stories of the world's best athletes, artists, inventors, and scientists and concluded that flexibility and diverse experience are the keys to tangible achievements. Numerous scientific and statistical data confirm such observations. The book 'Range' teaches you why long, diligent training does not always give the desired result, while constant defeats will help build an ideal career.
8. 'The Second Mountain' by David Brooks
David Brooks, a journalist, political analyst, host of the PBS NewsHour television program, and a self-development and motivation expert, says to find your feet again and reach an entirely new level, you must look at the world differently.
In his book, 'The Second Mountain', he distinguishes two stages: the first is achieving personal goals, such as career and success, and the second is a deeper awareness that leads to service to others and the search for a higher purpose. Brooks argues that reaching the "second peak" means finding true satisfaction and meaning.
9. 'Letters from a Stoic' by Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (c. 4 BCE—65 AD) was a Roman philosopher, writer, and prominent representative of Stoicism. He advocated living in harmony with nature, steadfastly enduring the blows of fate, and following the path of constant spiritual improvement. Seneca’s philosophical and ethical views contributed to the origins of Christian ideology.
10. 'The Enchiridion' by Epictetus
'The Encheirion' teaches you to be strong and calm no matter what happens around you. It provides advice and guidance on focusing on what is within your control and what to do with what is outside it.
11. 'The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt' by Edmund Morris
This is one of Morris' three books about Roosevelt, covering the period from Roosevelt's birth to the presidency. Morris talks about his childhood, family philosophy, education, what shaped him, his travels, and the beginning of his career. Interestingly, Roosevelt read about one book a day.
12. 'Fragments' by Heraclitus
Heraclitus is one of the earliest natural philosophers. Although only a few dozen fragments of his work have survived, it is known to have consisted of three parts: on nature, on the state, and on God. He describes himself as having access to profound truths about the structure of the world and humanity, and he understands how to convey these truths. According to Heraclitus, humans' primary capability is recognizing an everyday reality. He also believed that everything is in a state of constant change.
13. 'How to Live' by Sarah Bakewell
Sarah Bakewell tells the life story of the Renaissance writer and philosopher Michel Montaigne and his book Essays, in which he attempted to reflect humanity's beliefs and spirit. Although Montaigne lived several centuries ago, his ideas are surprisingly close to what worries many of us today — relationships with loved ones, fears, losses, and gains.
14. 'The Tiger' by John Vaillant
Beautifully written and deeply informative, 'Tiger' revolves around three main characters: Vladimir Markov, a poacher killed by a tiger; Yuri Trush, the host; and the tiger itself. This gripping tale of man versus nature inexorably leads to a showdown in a clearing deep within the tiger.
15. 'The Power Broker' by Robert A. Caro
This is a biography of Robert Moses, a famous American urban planner who is mainly responsible for the appearance of modern New York. He convinced the US government to invest more than $27 billion in updating the city's appearance and successfully negotiated with the UN to build its headquarters in Manhattan. He invested most of his money in the construction of highways and freeways to reduce the amount of public transport to a minimum. Robert Moses is undoubtedly an example of a charismatic and mighty leader.
16. 'What Makes Sammy Run' by Budd Schulberg
Work hard; if you can't work, be wise; if you can't, be loud. This sumptuous story tells the rise and fall of Sammy Glick, a Jewish boy born on the Lower East Side of New York City who decided very early to escape the ghetto and climb the ladder of success through deception and betrayal.
17. 'Bird by Bird' by Anne Lamott
This bestseller is about the art of living and writing books about life. If you feel you have something to say — Anne Lamott will help you. You will learn how to write, where to look for sources of inspiration, find your style, get out of a creative crisis, overcome envy, who to look to for support, and what awaits you after publication.
18. 'Fahrenheit 451' by Ray Bradbury
'Fahrenheit 451' is a dystopian novel. Bradbury's book is not inferior to prominent dystopias of the 20th century, such as '1984' by George Orwell and 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley. The novel tells the story of a world in which special units of firefighters burn books. The name 'Fahrenheit 451'is also not accidental, as 451 degrees Fahrenheit is the temperature at which paper burns. The firefighters are guarantors of the censorship of literature that reigns in this world. However, somehow, Montag gets his hands on the book, and the hero does not dare to burn it. A transformation takes place inside Montag, and he begins to see the world differently.
19. 'Wikinomics' by Don Tapscott & Anthony D. Williams
Tapscott and Williams argue that cooperation is becoming cheaper, easier, and, at the same time, more widespread due to the Internet.
The authors reveal how companies and communities tap into collective intelligence and crowdsourcing to develop innovative products, solve complex problems, and reshape entire markets. They emphasize that collaboration now outweighs competition, as openness and customer involvement in product creation produce remarkable results. Moreover, people are eager to share their knowledge and work together, often without financial incentives.
20. 'Keep Going' by Austin Kleon
Austin Kleon helps you feed your creativity so it eventually becomes a part of you. Kleon touches on issues that concern creative people, including the fact that it is not enough to want to become someone; you must start taking action. He also mentions that success achieved on unfair terms is a negative phenomenon. The book is short but inspiring.
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